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Vdechujte sílu esenciálních olejů pro emocionální rovnováhu, povzbuzení, spánek a úlevu od stresu.

Detoxikujte svou mysl a tělo pomocí čtyř očistných lahviček: eukalyptové, levandulové, cedrové a pačuliové.

Doplněno třemi jedinečnými směsi a recepty pro domácí tvorbu wellness směsí.

  • WELLBEING COLLECTION Oils 4 x 10ml pure essential oil blends. Gift Set Complete with blends and recipes! Inhale the power of essential oils for emotional balance, invigoration, sleep and stress relief. Detox your mind and body with four cleansing bottles; Eucalyptus, Lavender, Cedarwood and Patchouli. Complete with three unique blends and recipes to create wellness blends at home. The ultimate collection of essential oils that promote emotional balance, calm and wellbeing. For every wellness moment, create unique blends to de-stress, sleep better, focus or deep breathe. Each with its health and wellness benefits, 100% pure essential oils are perfect to use together to create unique aromatherapy blends. Features • 100% pure essential oils • Natural aromatherapy • Complete with 3 oil recipes • Perfect for blending • Bottled in the UK • Vegan & Cruelty Free Scent Notes Cedarwood Juniperus Virginiana Earthy & wood Cedarwood oil evokes feelings of vitality and wellness with a warm, woody, grounding scent. Creating a relaxing environment, can aid emotional balance and help promote confidence and self-esteem. Eucalyptus Eucalyptus globulus Fresh & Medicinal Uplifting, refreshing and stimulating, Eucalyptus can be used to revive mental fatigue & aid decongestion, an awakening menthol scent perfect for stuffy noses and aiding deep breathing. Lavender Lavandula angustifolia Floral & Herbaceous Relaxing and calming, it reduces anxiety and emotional stress and aids a dreamy night's sleep. A woody, floral and soft scent to create a sleepy haven. Patchouli Pogostemon Cablin Earthy & Spice Known as a powerful mood harmoniser, Patchouli is known to be grounding and balancing, stabilising emotions and relieving tension. Its musky, earthy and spicy scent has sedative yet stimulating properties.

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